Cardiff City Rowing Club

Welcome to Cardiff City Rowing Club

Cardiff Bay's leading Rowing Club invites people of all ages and genders to our fun and friendly club. Whether you are an adult, a professional or recreational rower, or whether you're looking for a new challenge in life - the club caters for all abilities. We have a long history of high quality performances and results from local races through to international competitions.

Croeso I Glwb Rhwyfo Dinas Caerdydd

Mae Clwb Rhywfo blaengar Dinas Caerydd yn estyn gwahoddiad a chroeso i bawb i'n clwb cyfeillgar a hwyliog. Mae'r clwb yn darparu rhywbeth at ddant pawb; yn oedolion, yn rhwyfwyr cymdeithasol neu gystadleuol. Cewch yma her a hwyl beth bynnag fo'ch safon. Mae gennym hanes cyfoethog mewn cystadlaethau lleol, cenedlaethol a rhygnwladol.

No other sport demands and rewards the complete abandonment of the self the way that rowing does. Great crews may have men or women of exceptional talent or strength, but they have no stars


Located on the River Taff with access to Cardiff Bay, Cardiff City is a great place to row for all abilities.

Cardiff City Rowing Club welcomes new members of all ages and abilities. We are a friendly club located in the heart of Wales with access to a large stretch of water winding past the Capital's most famous landmarks. 

Senior Squad

If you’ve rowed before and ar interested in rejoining the sport, then our Senior Squad is for you. With a strong base of athletes from all backgrounds and genders across the group, we cater and support athletes of all ambitions from local regattas to international racing, as well as a number of competitive Masters rowers. We also cater for athletes who would prefer to enjoy casual rowing in the country's capital, and those who wish to develop their confidence on the water including access to both sweep and sculling boats for all.

Novice Squad

Although we have run taster sessions and built a strong Novice Squad in the past, we currently cannot accept those without rowing experience. There are however, ‘Learn to Row’ courses available in conjunction with the Channel View Centre which is located in the same place and involve some of our members as coaches. This programme leads well into our Senior Squad and we welcome anyone undertaking this course to get in touch.

Find out more information by emailing us at 

Fe’n lleolir ar lan yr Afon Tâf, gyda mynediad i Fae Caerdydd. Gwna hyn Glwb Rhwyfo Dinas Caerdydd yn glwb gyda lleoliad gwych i rwyfo ynddo.

Croesawa'r Clwb aelodau newydd o bob oedran a gallu. Rydym yn glwb cyfeillgar wedi ein lleoli yn y brifddinas gyda mynediad i ddarn hir o afon sy'n troelli heibio i nifer o leoliadau adnabyddus

Mae ein carfan hyn yn cynnwys nifer o fenywod a dynion cystadleuol sydd a'u bryd ar lwyddo ynghyd â mwynhau. Darparwn hefyd gyfleoedd i athletwyr sy'n awyddus i rwyfo'n gymdeithasol a'u bryd ar ehangu eu profiad o'r gamp yng Nghaerdydd.

Rydym hefyd yn darparu ar gyfer y dechreuwr llwyr yn ein carfan ar gyfer dechreuwyr. Mae gennym gynllun strwythuredig ynghyd â Chapten y Dechreuwyr i ysgogi a sbarduno aelodau newydd i ddysgu sgiliau newydd. Rydym yn cynnal cyrsiau 'Learn to Row' ar y cyd â Chanolfan Gweithgareddau Dwr Bae Caerdydd, sydd wedi ei lleoli yn yr un lle ac yn defnyddio nifer o'n haelodau fel hyfforddwyr.

Er mwyn cael mwy o wybodaeth ebostiwch ni 

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